How can we get India to ace in the PISA rankings?

Pisa authorities state creativity, ethical thinking, and entrepreneurship are critical factors for future cycles. These are the key skills that are progressively demanded by employers.
As technology advancements diminish the need for routine skills, it is at the same time expanding the demand for more challenging automate social skills. Pisa, through a survey that it directs alongside the tests, has additionally begun taking a gander at social and emotional skills like perseverance and self-esteem.
These are significant measures as research plainly shows that psychological and socio-emotional abilities cross-fertilize and interact to put young minds on the way to progress. Such quantifies help to all the more likely evaluate kids’ present ranges of abilities and their future needs. They additionally help educators and guardians to adjust their instructing and child-rearing styles and situations likewise.
Why East Asian countries are at the top?
According to the investigation of the last three PISA results, East Asian nations, for example, Singapore, Japan, China, and South Korea have been ruling the rankings by bagging the top 7 positions, leaving behind the well-developed nations including the US, UK, and Finland.
The main thing we learned is that the pioneers in high-performing East Asian education frameworks have persuaded their residents that it is worth investing in the children’s future through quality education.
STEM Approach
There are things to learn from these nations. Singapore has put a hefty investment in reforming its education framework. Its educators are the best and most splendid, and it has grown profoundly fruitful academic ways to deal with Science, Maths, Engineering, and Technology(STEM) instructing. They believe that the STEM approach could enhance student’s skills and make them skillful citizens in the future. It is because, STEM education is not a content-based education, rather it is completely practical learning with a lot of hands-on activities.
For one, Pisa has indicated that long periods of tuition and rote-learning will never work.
In any case, Pisa has demonstrated that there is no connection between performance and tuition cost. Because the studies from the East-Asian countries state that the performance of the students is based on the understanding and implementation of the concept and not the definition.
Recalling equations or definitions won’t do. Pisa’s assessment question expects students to utilize their skills and knowledge to take care of issues in new settings.
Another useful observation from the Pisa assessment data is the classroom and computer technology will not improve student performance. What matters is the teachers and the environment.
So why is Singapore so successful in education?
The small Asian nation – Singapore concentrated persistently on its education system as a method for building up its economy and increasing the living standard. Singapore put huge investments in a quality showing power – to raise the status and prestige of teaching and to draw in the best graduates
The nation recruits instructors from the top 5% of graduates in a profoundly centralized framework.
All educators are well trained at the National Institute of Education, to guarantee quality education and that every new instructor could unquestionably experience to the classroom.
This must be a predictable, sustained, and long term approach over decades
It is well described by an expert that “Education is an eco-system and you can’t transform one section in separation”. Hence, transformation in education happens with contribution from everyone. As a reputed STEM educator in India, we are glad that we can contribute at least a small portion of our country’s development.